Thursday, February 16, 2012

Some old drawings made new

I made a lot of drawings this year and that gave me plenty of material to hand out as gifts. Here are a few that I spent a little time fixing up before wrapping them up and saying goodbye.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines Day! the mall?

What better way to spend a romantic day with your loved one than to go to a place that is mutually agreed to be among the top five worst places to go ever - unless you are there to draw (or watch a movie). Providence Place Mall provides My friend group and I a great place to gather, indulge in some poorly constructed Taco Bell, and draw the people walking, shopping and eating. Valentines day proved to be one of the most crowded I've seen, aside from the winter holidays - plenty to see and lots to draw! If you are interested in drawing on location my favourite venues include:

The Hospital
The Train Station
The Bus Station
The Mall
The Courthouse